The 'Hidden Caps' series started accidentally. Besides my work as illustrator and designer I teach illustration, design and Adobe software at a design school. During one of my classes I instructed my students to experiment with letterforms. So just to show some examples I doodles around a bit with letters. Those doodles created new ideas which were the basis for the book you're now holding. Purely by looking at the form and rest form from a letter I saw that I could tell a story in which the letter took a natural place.

"The journey is without doubt more important and much cooler than the destination"

The whole proces has been a process full of joy and surprises. What started at first as an exercise changed intor a real project aftr I'd seen the presentation of Mr. Bingo at the FITC festival in Amsterdam 2016. He presented his process from Kickstarter project to publishing his book 'Hate mail'. The idea of making my own book based on the letter shapes took place in my mind. His entire approach to succeed in his project was an eye-opener for me and worked very contagiously.

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A - Typography graveyard
B - Escape the world today
C - Put your helmet on
D - Rickshaw
E - Fishingport
F - 'lift off!'
G - Chairlift
H - Home = castle
I - hieroglyphs
J - Fishermens friends
K - Globalwarming victim
L - Lighthouse
M - Monster Nessie
N - Printing press
O - Alien abduction
P - Concerto
Q - Amphitheatre
the R-Machine
S - City divided by a river
T - Merry-go-round
U - Cross section of a ship
V - Quartz cave
W - Skyscraper builders
X - Airport
Y - Catapult battle of Britain
Z - Marslander


For the project I made a lot of draft sketches. I've had a lot of fun doing that. Of course, I did nog use all the ideas I encountered on my trip. Because I've had so much fun during the process, I want to show some of the sketches I made. Just for laughs.

"It is so much more rewarding to challenge yourself, to dig deeper and to watch further"

Some ideas fell off the drawing board, and some even while working out in Adobe Illustrator. I also had to kill some darlings; I have rather a thing for aircraft, so I made a lot of aircraft sketches during the process. At the end I used none.

Sketches for T


Carina Proveniers spreekt met Henk de Bruin over zijn boek 'Hidden Caps - a Journey Along Typography in Disguise' dat tot eind mei 2018 te zien was in Boek en Leeswinkel 'Het Witte Huys' in Rhoon.

"What remains a challenge for me is the business and promotional part of a project like this."

Henk de Bruin exposeert met 'Hidden Caps' in 'Het Witte Huys' Rhoon

RHOON - De creatieve drang zit er al vroeg in bij de in Rhoon woonachtige Henk de Bruin. Hj studeerde in 1992 af aan de Kunstacademie van Kampen als Grafisch Ontwerper. Al tijdens zijn studie begon Henk te werken bij ontwerpbureau's in Amsterdam en Rotterdam waar hij heeft meegewerkt aan huisstijlen voor onder andere het Zilveren Kruis, de Belastingdienst, Emergis en Strukton. Deze huisstijlen zijn nog steeds actueel. Daarnaast maakte hij illustraties en infographics voor onder andere de Publieke Omroep, Rijkswaterstaat, het ministerie van VROM en de RET.

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